Welcome to the website of North Shore Baptist Church!
We are so glad you are visiting us! Look below for the schedule of worship, announcements, and events. In our menu above, you can find more information about the church, our congregations, and our ministries! |
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 AM:
Servicio de adoración en español (Howel Hall) 10:00 am: English worship (sanctuary and on Facebook Live) 12:00 pm Karen worship (Kraft Chapel) |
NSBC's Vision Statement-Visión de la Iglesia
North Shore Baptist Church is a
multicultural community growing in faith through God’s love in Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we live out the Good News in our city and the world. In humility, we embrace both member and stranger, honoring our differences, while we worship and learn together. “Christ is our peace, who made us one, and has broken down the dividing wall…” Ephesians 2:14 |
La Iglesia Bautista de North Shore es una
Comunidad multicultural Creciendo en fe Atravez del amor de Dios en Cristo Fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo Vivimos las buenas nuevas En nuestra ciudad y en el mundo. Con humildad, acogemos tanto a los miembros y a los visitantes Honrando nuestras diferencias Mientras adoramos y aprendemos juntos. “Cristo es nuestra paz, quien nos hizo uno, Derribando la pared intermedia de separación.” Efesios 2:14. |