Rev. Saw Eh Plo Soe
Rev. Saw Eh Plo Soe received his Diploma in Theology from the Karen Baptist Seminary in Yangon, and also holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from West Yangon University. He was ordained to preside over the Holy Sacraments in the Myanmar Baptist tradition in 2005.
For the past two years, he has served as Visiting Missionary for the Mid-West (South) Karen Churches Fellowship in the USA. Before that, he was President of the Myanmar Christian Fellowship in Malaysia, and General Secretary of the Karen Christian Endeavor for the Union of Yangon Karen Baptist Home Mission Society.
Rev. Eh Plo Soe passed away in early May. We are currently in a discernment and transition process for the Karen pastorate. For the time being, we leave this biography here to honor our colleague and his legacy at NSBC.
For the past two years, he has served as Visiting Missionary for the Mid-West (South) Karen Churches Fellowship in the USA. Before that, he was President of the Myanmar Christian Fellowship in Malaysia, and General Secretary of the Karen Christian Endeavor for the Union of Yangon Karen Baptist Home Mission Society.
Rev. Eh Plo Soe passed away in early May. We are currently in a discernment and transition process for the Karen pastorate. For the time being, we leave this biography here to honor our colleague and his legacy at NSBC.