Amada comunidad:
En este tiempo de propagación del COVID-19 y de las ordenes que se han dado a través del país, para quedase en casa; sabemos que muchos y muchas miembros de nuestra comunidad están enfrentando dificultades económicas. El equipo pastoral desea informarles sobre los recursos de ayuda que están disponibles. NO ESTAN SOLOS – SU IGLESIA ESTA CON USTEDES Si ha sido despedido o se le han reducido las horas de trabajo, por favor infórmelo a su pastor. Desde que las ordenes de quedarse en casa comenzaron, los ministros de la iglesia, tanto el liderato pastoral como laical, han provisto ayuda remota con el proceso de llenar la solicitud para los beneficios de desempleo y la asistencia suplementaria nutricional (SNAP), compra de alimentos, ayuda financiera a través del fondo de benevolencia y ayuda sobre los derechos de los trabajadores y trabajadoras. Con el Fondo de Benevolencia podemos ayudar con pagos médicos, ayuda parcial con el pago de la renta, alimentos y otras posibles necesidades. El Fondo de Benevolencia es posible por las ofrendas de los domingos en la mañana y en este tiempo de crisis cada uno de los ministerios de la iglesia están buscando identificar fondos adicionales que se puedan redirigir para apoyar este esfuerzo. Juntos, estamos haciendo todos los esfuerzos para cuidad de nuestra comunidad eclesial en estos tiempos difíciles. SI USTED NECESITA ALGUNA AYUDA, POR FAVOR, HABLÉ CON UN MIEMBRO DEL EQUIPO PASTORAL. RECUERDE:
Si usted se enferma, por favor, infórmelo a su pastor. Los ministerios de nuestra iglesia están cosiendo máscaras, entregando alimentos y víveres, y preparando otras ayudas como cuido de animales, si al enfermarse usted necesitara algunos de estos servicios. A pesar de que no podemos hacer visitas a los hogares en este momento, queremos saber de usted regularmente si usted esta enfermo y poder orar por usted. Si usted está en una posición financiera estable y deseara contribuir al Fondo de Benevolencia, su regalo será profundamente agradecido. Usted puede enviar un cheque o giro postal escribiendo en la línea de memo “Benevolencia” o donar con PayPal y enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected] informando que usted desea que su donación vaya al Fondo de Benevolencia. Si usted no puede hacerlo en este momento, lo entendemos. Finalmente, “oremos sin cesar”. Invitamos a toda la membresía de la iglesia a unirse en oración los jueves a la 5:30 p.m. donde quiera que se encuentre. Si usted desea unirse con otros miembros de la congregación para orar comunitariamente, la Pastora Kathryn tendrá un tiempo de oración por medio de Zoom a esa hora (5:30 p.m.). Pregunte a la Pastora Kathryn por la información de como entrar. Amados y amadas, el tiempo presente nos llama a ser servidores de Cristo como nunca antes y como dice un himno familiar: Sister, let me be your servant. Brother, let me walk with you. Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too. En Cristo, El Equipo Pastoral de NSBC Dear beloved community,
In the wake of the spread of COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place orders across the country, we know that many members of our church community are facing financial stress right now. The pastoral team wanted to let you know about resources available for you. You are not in this alone—your church is here with you. If you are laid off or have reduced hours, please let your pastor know. Since the shelter-in-place order began, the ministers of this church—both pastoral leaders and members—have provided remote assistance with applying for unemployment benefits and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), purchase of groceries, financial assistance through our Benevolence Fund, and guidance around workers’ rights. Through the Benevolence Fund, we can assist with medical bills, partial assistance with rent payments, and food, among other needs. Through our Benevolence Fund, we can assist with medical bills, rent payments, and food, among other needs. The Benevolence Fund has been made possible by your gifts on Sunday mornings, and in this time of crisis every ministry of the church is working to identify any extra funds that can be redesignated to support these efforts. Together, we are making every effort to take care of our church community in these trying times. In order to receive this support, please speak with a member of the pastoral team. Please also know: 1) You cannot be evicted from your home, nor can your utilities be turned off during the shelter-in-place order. Your landlord cannot threaten to evict you, and the utility companies have publicly stated that they will not suspend service or charge late fees for unpaid bills. This means that if you cannot pay all your bills, you should prioritize purchasing food and medical supplies over rent and utilities. 2) If you are working and have your hours reduced or are laid off, you should receive documentation from your supervisor to this effect. If you do not, make sure to keep a written record of all communications you have with your supervisor/s. This will serve as legal support for you should there be any confusion in the future, or denial by a supervisor regarding a verbal agreement that was made. 3) If you believe you will be unable to pay your rent, inform your landlord as soon as possible. They should work with you to set up a deferral or payment plan. You will need documentation from your work place (see #2) in order to set this up. Keep a written record of all communications with your landlord. 4) There are multiple sites set up to distribute free meals. If you are unsure where you can go to receive these meals, contact a member of the pastoral team. A list of Chicago Public School meal distribution sites can be found here: 5) There are many other resources available, including funds for undocumented immigrants and refugees. The Chicago Teachers’ Union maintains an extensive list here: If you become ill, please let your pastor know. The ministers of our church are also sewing masks, delivering food and groceries, and prepared to provide other assistance (like pet care), should you become ill and require these services. And though we cannot make home visits at this time, we want to be able to check in regularly with those who are ill and pray for you by name. If you are in a position of financial stability and would like to contribute to the Benevolence Fund, your gift would be especially appreciated. You can do so by sending a check to the church with “Benevolence” written on the memo line, or by donating through PayPal and sending an e-mail to [email protected] indicating that you would like your donation directed to Benevolence. If you are not able to give at this time—we understand. Finally, “pray without ceasing.” We invite everyone in the church to join together in prayer at 5:30 pm each Thursday, wherever you are. If you would like to join your fellow church members for communal prayer, Pastor Kathryn will open a virtual prayer space via Zoom at this time, if you would like to pray with your community. Please contact Pastor Kathryn for information about how to access the call. Beloved, the present time calls upon us to be servants of Christ like never before. As the familiar hymn goes: Sister, let me be your servant. Brother, let me walk with you. Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too. In Christ, The NSBC Pastoral Team |
August 2024