The Edgewater Early Learning Center, located in the church building, will be resuming operations this month, with increased safety precautions. Day-care staff will be checking the temperatures of all children as they arrive, and movement around the building will be carefully planned. When dropping off and picking up children, parents will enter through the Berwyn door and exit through the Lakewood door, and church staff will plan not to be present at pick up time. Separate bathrooms have been designated for church staff and for daycare staff. The gym will not be used.
Church in-person programming remains suspended. As I explained in an earlier blog, worship services have been demonstrated to have a much higher risk of transmitting the coronavirus to at-risk populations than many other activities (including childcare). Singing is a particularly dangerous activity; we have many members of at-risk populations attending our worship services; and, frankly, it is asking quite a lot to expect everyone to maintain six feet of distance from people we care about deeply and haven't seen in months. Church leadership remains in active conversation about how to continue to modify current programming and develop new opportunities to support one another spiritually. View our YouTube worship services here, devotionals in Japanese here, and devotional resources in Spanish here. We always want to hear from you. If you have ideas, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a pastor or a Deacon of your congregation.
August 2024